Thursday, December 17, 2009
Drone viewed
IUPUI Parking
Black Friday
Best games of 09
A terrible movie.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
The Mac

Slipper Noodle
This may be my favorite bar now. It is so much different compared to the others is different. You walk in and it looks like your usual place but however this place makes it a much better experience. The place has a live band every night. Not your usual rock band either. This place is a jazz bar. So you won't run into your usual large drunk crowd that you see at most of the bars downtown. As far as prices this place does a pretty good job at keeping them reasonable. They are about the same as most of the bars except for the really crappy ones. All in all this place is a great place to visit. The employees are really nice and helpful. Not to mention this place serves great food. It is delicious. Probably the best bar food you will find anywhere.I recommend it and don't see it going out anytime considering this is the oldest bad Indianapolis.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Video Wallpaper
Touch Screens
How ever the Microsoft Surface would be able to display better games with multi-touch features. Also instead of having to pay cash you could just add the game playing charge to your tab. This would be an amazing idea and I would go to a bar that had this at least just to mess around with the table.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Harry Potter Newspaper
Interactive TV
Can the Android compete with the iPhone?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Interactive Pacers Game
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Paranormal Activity
2 Mobile Direct Tv
Direct TV App – Currently there is a Direct TV app that lets you program your DVR, which is all right but too simple. I want some live streaming on to my iPhone; currently NFL ticket is available on the iPhone. So if you can subscribe to it, you can watch any NFL game live on your iPhone. But I want all 300 hundred channels that I have on my TV to be on my mobile phone. If they can do it for the NFL ticket, why not everything? There are a few apps that are starting to lean towards live broadcast via phones, however many of them are just news stations. With his app you would never miss your basketball game you want to watch, or miss that season finale of your favorite TV show.
1 Netflix
Netflix! – Netflix is a great service that I subscribe to, basically it allows you to watch any movie made and the most popular TV shows on the Internet or they will send you the DVD. This is great for when I am on the go and I can stream it to my laptop. Now why can’t they make a Netflix app. Currently the only apps available with Netflix allow you to change your instant queue. That’s is pretty lame and don’t know why anyone would ever pay for that. Netflix on the go would be the absolute best mobile video device every made. No longer would you have to download movies from the iTunes Store or take a bulky portable DVD player. You would have a selection of thousands of videos for instant stream to your phone.
3 Skype
Skype – It already exists but why not expand it even more? If you aren’t familiar with Skype here is a quick summary of what it can do. You can talk to anyone in the world using Skype for free as long as the other person is on Skype too. You can also video chat. You can use it to call actually cell phones and numbers, but you have to subscribe to the monthly fee. Basically Skype takes tried to make communicating with others via the web more immersive. We’ve been able to IM others for sometime now, and even voice chat. Now there is video chat. Currently on the iPhone app you can make Skype to Skype calls as long as you are on Wi-Fi. Why now get the camera feature working too. Obviously you will run into the problem that the camera is in the back and you can’t see what you are filming, however this would be really unique and add a new option to the app. Major problems I find currently with making this possible is the network bandwidth that would be needed to stream video.
App Store
In the next few blogs I will be talking about the App Store run by Apple. Obviously the is a virtual store that was created to make money, however there are a few apps that I think should be expanded on or be created. Currently the App Store has over 100,00 apps and that number grows daily. The only problem is that the store restricts the Apps that they allow. So I highly recommend jail breaking your iPhone so you can experience those “homebrewed” apps that are amazing and fully take advantage of what the iPhone can do.
Apple came out with the greatest thing in today’s multimedia market with applications for their iPhone and iTouch. However, I still feel that there is many applications lacking that should be considered to be added to the store. The following are my top 3 and why they should be implemented.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Digital Candy

Often people are baking all kinds of baked goods. Well I found a digital thermometer that facilitates creating candy. When creating candy it is essential that you bake well to a specific degree. And this thermometer allows you to stop the guessing and get the temperature perfect. Maybe you need you chocolate melted to a certain temperature before adding it to another baked good. This is the product that allows you to achieve this great.
The design of this product is wonderful; it had a digital screen, which allows you to read easily, and clearly what the temp is on the baked good. One feature that I’ve noticed that most thermometers don’t have is that this one has programmable buttons so that you can get you thermometer to beep at certain degree that way you aren’t stuck just watching the thermometer. This allows you to keep yourself occupied with other things.
This is a basic thermometer that has all the features that are needed.
These are my top 5 things a good games should have:
- Good Music
- Good Sound effects
- Good Graphics
- Good Storyline
- Good Interactivity
The theater option that the games offer are great. Now you can make your own videos by controlling the characters as actors. Edit the video by having a camera that can fly around the whole map and be placed anywhere.
Here is a video that I find pretty cool and with Halo has allowed people's imagination just drift.
In N100 we discussed how many ideas of technology are first seen in a movie. And this is one that I would see really developed in real life. We already have drone airplanes flying around, why not make a massive robot that can deflect bullets, dodge rockets. This would be an amazing advancement. Just a thought anyways.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Adidas 2008

So I was looking for some unique ads for N110 and found one that would work well for this class. Adidas in 2008 for the world cup was asked to make advertisements fro the Chinese team. They cam up will several different designs and I like all of of them.
In this ad they use contrast to highlight the main point of the ad. The soccer player completely stands out from the rest. So the that contrast is great but the whole idea behind the ad is great too. It looks like the crowd, which resembles the Chinese, is uplifting the player with support. Its almost as if he has the whole country on his shoulders also.
Great advertising here!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Who made these?

Sound in Movies
Cool Can Design


Different way to display