Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Digital Candy

Often people are baking all kinds of baked goods. Well I found a digital thermometer that facilitates creating candy. When creating candy it is essential that you bake well to a specific degree. And this thermometer allows you to stop the guessing and get the temperature perfect. Maybe you need you chocolate melted to a certain temperature before adding it to another baked good. This is the product that allows you to achieve this great.

The design of this product is wonderful; it had a digital screen, which allows you to read easily, and clearly what the temp is on the baked good. One feature that I’ve noticed that most thermometers don’t have is that this one has programmable buttons so that you can get you thermometer to beep at certain degree that way you aren’t stuck just watching the thermometer. This allows you to keep yourself occupied with other things.

This is a basic thermometer that has all the features that are needed.


Toady in class we discussed games, and what makes them interesting and how long does time go? He gave the reference that chess is still around hundreds of years later. Will World of War Craft be around hundreds of years from now. I say no. Chess tests the mind so much. Not gonna lie, never played World of War Craft, but it doesn't seem that appealing.

These are my top 5 things a good games should have:
  • Good Music
  • Good Sound effects
  • Good Graphics
  • Good Storyline
  • Good Interactivity
A recent game that came out that I am currently addicted to is Halo: ODST. Sure it isn't as great as all the other Halo's but this game follows the great storyline that the games have. The single player mode is amazing. It is like watching a movie at times. Animated scenes are well done and with music make a perfect illusion that this could be real.

The theater option that the games offer are great. Now you can make your own videos by controlling the characters as actors. Edit the video by having a camera that can fly around the whole map and be placed anywhere.
Here is a video that I find pretty cool and with Halo has allowed people's imagination just drift.
So I found this video of probably the coolest Halloween display ever. I've always wondered what a life size Transformer would look like and I think these people did a pretty good job of making replicas. Only thing that I don't like is that they are made from wood. Obviously this makes it easier to make but what if someone would make a metal version and make them remote controlled. Considering that we already have miniature robotic toys, why not make a massive one? Here is one that looks like a Transformer just smaller size. Robot

In N100 we discussed how many ideas of technology are first seen in a movie. And this is one that I would see really developed in real life. We already have drone airplanes flying around, why not make a massive robot that can deflect bullets, dodge rockets. This would be an amazing advancement. Just a thought anyways.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adidas 2008

So I was looking for some unique ads for N110 and found one that would work well for this class. Adidas in 2008 for the world cup was asked to make advertisements fro the Chinese team. They cam up will several different designs and I like all of of them.

In this ad they use contrast to highlight the main point of the ad. The soccer player completely stands out from the rest. So the that contrast is great but the whole idea behind the ad is great too. It looks like the crowd, which resembles the Chinese, is uplifting the player with support. Its almost as if he has the whole country on his shoulders also.

Great advertising here!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who made these?

I just need to vent here a bit. These are possibly the ugliest jerseys I've ever seen. I'm not a Seahawks fan but I still need to talk about his. Who ever designed these did a terrible job. They went completely away from their roots and made something completely different. That color green looks like bile. Only other jerseys that may look as bad are the Pink ones that teams made for women. They take away the whole point of team colors. If anyone else knows of any that look worse let me know.

Sound in Movies

Bourne Ultimatum
Action movies go great with a good song. When people thing design they usually think more in a visual aspect. I think sound is just as important if not even more important than the visual aspect sometimes. The link above is a song by Moby that went well with all of the Bourne movies. When ever I hear that song, my mind directly goes back to these movies. Sound in movies are so important and he is one I am going to recommend.
Watch it without sound then watch it with sound. The sound makes this scene.

Cool Can Design

Can design usually don't get much attention, however this is a can that was well made in my opinion. The harmony of the colors go well together. It reaches the consumer well, by clearly allowing them to read what they are buying at the same time advertising for the Halo 3 video game. With out a good can design, there is no doubt in my mind that the product wouldn't have sold as well. It's similar to a book cover, although you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, we do it anyways.


Legos are I believe are truly the very first design tools any child gets his hands on as far as architecture. Many times people just create random things from imagination or create minature model replicas of actual things. This is a simple example of some of the amazing things you can make with Legos.

Different way to display

So i found this pic online just searching for cool things. This whole picture of Michael Jordan is made up from 3000 Gatorade bottles. I think they did a good job of using the selection of the bottles. The red stands out well in front of the background which is important since that is where they probably wanted the eye to go to first. I've seen similar ideas with Legos but never with Gatorade bottles.

Great Commericals

Geico Commercials

Geico has the best commercials in my opinion. They mix great music and add comedy to them. A good commercial has something that makes you remember it. All of their commercials use a good mix of music. If their commercials were simply just informative, I would probably change the channel instead of sitting through it. My favorite one are the ones with the money looking at you.