Thursday, December 17, 2009

Drone viewed

I read this on CNN and I find this shocking and appalling. Apparently the technology that the government is using is not every advanced. Daily the US is bombing areas in Afghanistan and Iraq, but I am rather surprised that someone that basically just knows how to run a computer to hack in the system. Insurgents have been hacking into the Predator drones, and can see what the people controlling drones can see. We are the United States and I thought that we had the most advanced time. I am hoping that we can make the encryption more advanced and not have this going on anymore. The government says that they are aware of this and are in the process of making their system more secure. I think that it is important to have everyone know about this because it is just as important for people with their own Personal Networks. Many people don't know how to put a firewall and any of those options. Everyone should get informed or the companies producing these products should automatically have their system with restrictions and firewalls. I know they give you the option, well they should just put it on there then give you the option to remove it if you choose too.


This is my proposed design for the BCS system. Currently the national championship is basically figured out by computers. I hate that. What if the NFL was like that too. 3 years ago the Steelers won the Super Bowl even though they were the last team to make the playoffs. Well in college football they need a playoff system. My proposed plan would still be bowl games but would find out who the true national champion is.

What I am proposing is that you use the BCS computer ranking system that currently exist and make a 8 team playoff. Keep rotating the Bowl that host the national championship. But on the road to the championship they could use the other bowls to host the games. I think that this would work well and allow for the bowls to still make their money which is really what the whole bowl system is about. This year i personally think that TCU or Cincinnati could possibly win the whole thing but thanks or should I say no thanks the BCS won't allow them too.

IUPUI Parking

This is a topic that has been on my mind every semester at school and especially at the beginning of the semester because that is when it is the most chaotic. Currently there is around 34,000 students enrolled at IUPUI. That is not including the maintenance people and faculty. There is only 7,000 spots on the campus. That is not enough. I often find spots but they are not E which the majority of the people that get permits are. I am recommending they change the way parking is done. Why not take one of the parking garages and making it only for faculty and make the rest for everyone. Obviously the faculty would not be pleased with this because they would probably be forced to walk a further distance to class but we have to do it. And lets remember, faculty are paid to be there. Students are paying them so I really don't think they should get favoritism. This is my simple plan to fix the parking issue. Hopefully the new garage will help solve the problem. Well at least temporarily, until the school grows even more than it already has.

Black Friday

Black Friday design by stores are terrible. It is the day that the most shoppers go out to buy gifts for their friends family and themselves. However, I hate the way stores go about having the sales. First off, I don't like how certain stores open before others. They should all open at the same time. I understand why certain stores decide to open earlier that others but if they all opened at the same time it would allow more people to participate. Currently you have stores that open at 12 that has customers going in there and then going to some of the other stores that open at 5 am or so. If they all opened at the same time, people would have to choose where they really want to go and what they really want the most. I am someone that would not mind going out for Black Friday but it is chaos. I think that the stores should put certain items on sale on certain days to avoid such a chaotic parking lot and store. I went to the mall this year around 10 and when iI was leaving at 2 it took me 45 min to navigate through traffic and leave the parking lot. Which brings me to another idea, the Greenwood mall needs a parking garage. But I'll leave that for another blog.


So this 2012 movie that I was excited to watch let me down. It was miserable and did not look real at all. I am not saying that the special effects did not look real, but the plot of the movie over all does not seem real. These characters in the movie escape death time and time again. We all know that this would not happen to us. Maybe escape once or twice but 4 or 5 times. Please, whoever wrote the plot should have thought about this in a more realistic way.

One thing that I did like however was how they survive. They get into these massive submarine boats that are like Noah's ark. This seems real to me and a possible plan that could happen. If in 2012 the world really is coming to an end, this is a plan that I could see the government trying to implement. Let's just hope it really doesn't happen.

Best games of 09

This is also after reading an article on CNN talking about the best games also. And for the most part I agree.

Best game of the year is by far is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. This game graphically is great but not only that it is fun to play. Sometimes games come out and they look visually great but they have a low replay value on it. Well this game delivered on both fronts. Currently I have logged about 3 days of online play. That is not including the campaign mode and the special opps mode. Now that is a great game!

Best sports game is FIFA 10. If you aren't a soccer fan I still recommend you check this one out. It is great. I have friends that weren't very familiar with soccer but after playing it they are hooked. This is the most realistic soccer game ever made. It features over 2oo teams with thousands of players. It is pretty amazing that EA could include that much on a game. But the game also is great graphically. The players look real and the stadiums are even better. That appears to me to seem like where they spent much of their time working on the game.

A terrible movie.

I saw swordfish the other day and I was so surprised by how much better I remember it being. I saw this movie when it first came out and I thought it was great. Now that I saw it again simply because I read an article on CNN about terrible tech movies, I can't believe I ever liked it.

First off this movie failed with the acting. The acting was terrible and so overly exaggerated. They didn't make me feel like this could be real or the villain in the movie just didn't seem like that bad of a bad guy. My ideal villain is the Joker from Batman. That is a villain that made me think, wow this guy is crazy.
Heres the article if you'd like to read it. Its a pretty good read.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

This movie is great. This is going to be mostly a review on what I think about the movie and how much the whole series has grown as a whole. This movie has everything that an action drama thriller should have. The Harry Potter series started out with the characters as children and as they grow up they start going through changes that all teenagers go through. They also get darker and scarier. Personally I don't think they do, but many parents have been complaining about this because it isn't child friendly anymore. However, I think this is great. Just as teenagers go through awkward moments with hormones and drama these characters do a great job of displaying that. The special effects in this movie are amazing. It makes you think wow what if magic was really possible. The special features of the movie goes through many of the tough shots that were taken and explains how they did the scenes. The director and everyone else is rather amazing. Seeing how much of the film is taking in front of a green screen yet they visualize everything is amazing.

The Mac

I love my Mac but currently I have been disappointed with it. I am fairly familiar with both the main systems which are the Mac and Windows. For the longest time I was a window user and still am. I have both systems at home and use one for certain reasons and use the other for different task. Well the most disappointing part of the Mac that I have found recently is the lack of personalization that it has. On windows I could pretty much change anything I wanted on it. I am talking the way menus look, colors schemes fonts, icons, pretty much anything, even the logon menu. Well the Mac is far behind in this aspect. Currently there is no program for this to be done. On Tiger which is the old Mac os you had third party software that would allow you to change it but I think that Apple should just make it so that you can do it and it is built in already and not having to download third party software that could possibly hurt the system.


Going back to the topic of jerseys, a topic that I talked about several blogs ago when talking about the Seattle Seahawks. Well here recently the Atlanta Hawks came out with new topics and I love them. I am not a Hawks fan at all. I am a blue and gold for life, aka the Pacers. But the Pacers are behind the league in new jerseys. Currently there is a 3yr rule that states when a team comes out with a new home and away jersey, they can't adjust them and make a alternative. Well I am going to explain the ATL one. It is very basic and gets to the point. It has the initials that we all know what they stand for. I hear ATL and it makes complete since. The Pacers need to catch up with the times and do something similar. Here is the ATL jersey.hwk_paint09_08-480x336.jpg


So I am getting pretty tired of watching CNN for news. I think they need to spice things up and make them different from all the other news organizations. I am thinking perhaps if they came out with regional channels so that you hear more local news. I am proposing having a west coast, midwest, east coast, mountain west area, and something for the south too. This is something that would make the news so much more appealing to me. Right now I hear tons of national news which is great but it just gets repeated all day through out the day. If you did something regionally also you could have some what local news mixed with national news. Currently the local news does hit the topic of national news but when there is nothing going on locally it is boring to watch and they come up with some of the most unnecessary topics. This is my idea for CNN and I wonder if they would even consider it. They currently have CNN International which is nice for foreign countries but what about something regionally?

Slipper Noodle

So this is my first time going into this bar and I am going to talk about the design of the bar and how unique it is compared to the rest of the bars.

This may be my favorite bar now. It is so much different compared to the others is different. You walk in and it looks like your usual place but however this place makes it a much better experience. The place has a live band every night. Not your usual rock band either. This place is a jazz bar. So you won't run into your usual large drunk crowd that you see at most of the bars downtown. As far as prices this place does a pretty good job at keeping them reasonable. They are about the same as most of the bars except for the really crappy ones. All in all this place is a great place to visit. The employees are really nice and helpful. Not to mention this place serves great food. It is delicious. Probably the best bar food you will find anywhere.I recommend it and don't see it going out anytime considering this is the oldest bad Indianapolis.